Anti-wrinkle Xeomin

Xeomin is known as a neuromodulator. This class of drug alters how nerves communicate with each other and the muscles on which they work. Xeomin works by interfering with the information from the nerve to the muscle causing little or no movement in the muscle and may last between three to dix months. 

Yes. It is the sister drug to Botox. It is a cosmetic neuromodulator injectable that can help you achieve a more youthful appearance. These injections can create smoother, firmer skin that is free of fine lines and wrinkles. Xeomin treatment is non-surgical and minimally invasive, and it requires no recovery or downtime.

Xeomin is just one of several neuromodulator brands.  Though both Botox and Xeomin contain the neurotoxin, botulinum toxin A, Xeomin is formulated with a purer, more concentrated form of the toxin with all the stabilizing proteins filtered out. This gives it a better profile that lacks the potential for allergic reactions. 

Although this treatment is not permanent, Xeomin treatments can last as long as three to six months.

“Everyone at Mile Hydrate receives a medical consult with a board certified doctor who reviews your medical history, asks you pertinent questions, and determines if you are eligible for injections.”

With any drug there are potential side effects. The typical adverse side effects are over-treated muscles, causing a “frozen face” or droopy muscles. This is reversible with time. 

The reasons are varied: desire to look and feel younger, to look rested, and to match one’s appearance to their internal emotional well-being. These injections can be a confidence booster, too. 

Ideally, avoid topical skin care products like retinol, retinoids, Retin-A, and glycolic acid. You will also want to abstain from drinking alcohol 24-hours before treatment.

Exercise, bending over, alcohol, and facials increase blood flow to the face. Because Xeomin has a high level of diffusion, a higher flow of blood could cause the toxin to spread far beyond the intended injection sites, affecting unwanted muscle tissue. Avoid these 1-2 days before and after Xeomin session.


We don’t expect you to know. This is why your IV sessions always come with a complimentary consultation, walking you through the entire process and the targeted result of your IV.

Your body makes urine all day long, but after an IV of vitamins that directly affect the health and function of your cells, you also detox your whole body, leaving you feeling refreshed and healthier. Here in the Rockies, most people are very dehydrated making them feel sluggish and foggy-brained because it is difficult to ingest enough fluid, electrolytes, minerals, and vitamins to combat the effects of the dry altitude.

Though this service is a medical intervention, IV vitamins is a wellness intervention, just like eating healthy, getting a massage, and going to the gym. Many Health Spending Accounts do help to cover the cost of your wellness visits with Mile Hydrate. Just pay with your HSA credit card and submit your receipt for reimbursement.

No one “likes” needles, but we have a lot of various tricks to distract you from the thought of a needle. But this is the best and safest way to deliver your hydration directly into your body.

If you’re healthy with a strong immune system, you shouldn’t feel anything, but you are still getting the overall benefits.  You don’t “feel anything” when you take oral vitamins, but you take them knowing you are supporting the health of your body. IVs are a more direct delivery of vitamins with increased absorption than oral supplements.

Please continue to take your supplements, herbs, and vitamins. However, inferior soil conditions, manufacturing processes, and subpar purity, along with your powerful stomach acid and gut barrier, cause only 30% absorption to take place. IV vitamins are FDA-approved, and you receive 100% of their bioavailability in your bloodstream and cells. You know you’re getting your money’s worth with IV therapy and don’t need to swallow large vitamin pills every day.

We do everything we can to safely gain vein access. Our nurses are very experienced, but if we cannot access your vein, we stop. We do not want to cause trauma. In this case, we either off you IM shots that give great benefits, too, or we cancel the appointment, and you are charged nothing.

Our nurses all have background checks and Colorado state licensure. They all have good standing records with no negative actions taken against them. You are in professional, capable, and respectful hands.

If it is your first visit, we ask that you schedule an hour to fill out the proper medical history and consent forms to ensure you receive the right IV therapy for your needs. There are many variables to consider when administering these therapies, but each visit gets faster with the familiarity of your vein access, your fluid and vitamin tolerance, and your baseline vital signs. The hour is focused on your well-deserved and relaxing self-care.

The need for different IV ingredients changes with your health goals and periodic illness. Each IV bag is balanced with the perfect elements for a specific, desired outcome. We specialize in three different IVs: the Fat Burner, our antiOx Detox IV, and basic hydration. Our medical staff is here to help walk you through your chosen service each time you visit us. 

Yes, it is a medical intervention. In the hospital, however, you are receiving only a bag of normal saline for fluid replacement and vein access in case of an emergency. But with Mile Hydrate, your IV bag has a pharmaceutical grade mixture of pure vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes following strict protocols for illness prevention, support of cellular anti-aging, and weight loss (if this is the goal).

All RN’s have state licensure and work under the license of a medical director. For Mile Hydrate nurses, our protocols are written by a board certified pharmacist, and our services and interventions are conducted under the oversight of an emergency department medical doctor. Your sessions and secure payment processing are protected by HIPAA compliance, privacy policy, and all legalities are in place for your safety. 

Stress Relief

Long term stress increases the risk of chronic disease and illness. And unfortunately, most people are under constant stress today without much awareness of the effects until they are sick. 

Everybody needs down time to rest and relax the body’s neurological alarm system. Short term daily stressors can help one learn resilience, however, without daily stress management, the body and brain begin to break down, which leads to unhealthy burnout.

Our bodies and brains need rest every day to keep the energy systems replenished so they keep running smoothly. Otherwise, illnesses like, heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and depression develop.

A gentle electrical pulse is delivered to specific points on the ears, which connect to the nervous system inside the brain and down the central nervous system. These pulses either stimulate or quiet the energy sent through the nervous system to help reduce the effects of stress on the organs. 

“No. The electrical pulse is atenuated by intensity to each person’s tolerance level. The positive effect on the nervous system is not achieved with higher intensity, so most everyone tolerates this procedure very well.”

Most everyone feels a deep calm and a profound sense of relaxation.

Each session is only about 30–40 minutes. Depending on the acuity level of your symptoms, auricular acupressure can be done every day for a week, and then a taper is typically done as symptoms improve, then once weekly for maintenance.

Because an electrical pulse is used, it is important to have good conductivity, so drinking a few glasses of water for hydration is important. Also, clean ears with soap and water or an alcohol swab before your sessions. 

These are called “seeds”. They are little balls of mustard seeds or other types of balls taped to the treated points for added effect over the next week. You merely squeeze the seeds between your fingers as often as every hour to stimulate the points throughout the week. The taped seeds simply fall off naturally in the shower or in bed. 

Weight Loss

No matter what you do to lose weight, lifestyle modification is important. So, fasting is the superior way of eating/not eating to help release fat from cells, reduce insulin resistance, and heal the inside of the body. This can be done simultaneously while using a medication and will help sustain the weight loss once the medication is stopped. 

You would think fasting is just the action of not putting food into the mouth. But really, using the times between meals to heal the metabolic system is just as important as what you eat, how much you eat, and how often you eat. And because people who fail at fasting do not understand how to control hunger and cravings, and how to build the “muscle” of fasting, learning the proper tools and how to be successful is imperative to experience a balanced maintenance of weight. 

Many doctors don’t understand the therapeutic nature of intermittent and extended fasting. Once you are overweight or obese, have one or more chronic diseases, and lean toward type 2 diabetes, it is time to use windows of no eating to rest the digestive system, rev up the metabolism, and begin retraining all the digestive hormones to react normally, again. Fasting is safe if done with guidance. Certainly ask your doctor if you are a candidate.

You would think this to be true. But because of the way you learn to fast and use the windows of eating and not eating, you are controlling the hormone that causes hunger. 

Different from lifestyle modification weight loss, our comprehensive medical approach curates your medical history, health conditions, how you move through your days (lifestyle), how/when/what you eat, and your weight loss goals when using a medication. This plan of care includes blood panels, a physical assessment, peptide medication education, basic nutrition counseling, and Q&A throughout the program. As you lose weight, we help you reassess your goals and modify your plan to help keep you on the right path. 

These are patented drugs with strict insurance authorizations and FDA-regulated oversight. Mile Hydrate does not offer these or any other patented weight loss drugs; however, the generic drug class is called semaglutide, which is available through our services.

There are medical qualifications required to administer this drug. If your labs come back indicating you are a good candidate, you will then have a medical history review, and a medical doctor will conduct a consultation to ensure the drug is safe for you to take while reviewing expectations over the course of your program. 

After an in-depth weight loss design session, the nurse helps you determine the best plan of care for you. Not everyone can or wants to use the medication, but learning healthier lifestyle habits through nutritional and therapeutic fasting is always a good way to supplement your medical weight loss. You choose this path that fits your desires.

Once you enroll, the nurse goes out to your home to draw labs. Once the labs come back, she goes out to see you again and goes over your plan of care, expectations, injection administration, and dosing in detail with you. You will have a physical assessment, vitals taken, and a review of what to expect each week after each injection. Every month you continue taking the medication, the nurse returns to reassess your BMI, vitals, and dosing. Each third month, you repeat a consultation with our medical director. You will always have an open line of communication with the nurse to modify the plan according to your particular response to the medication and weight loss.